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Shut The Gate


Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.[a] They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life,

and have it to the full.

John 10:7-10

Some may have noticed I missed a week of posting the blog. Part two of “What To Do While You are Waiting” was written and ready to send, but we pressed pause while we waited for my friend’s husband to step from earth into heaven. At times like that, blogs just don’t seem really important. As I re-read the blog that posted one week later, I realized I had walked all of those steps with my friend Robin. I had struggled with the blog sounding too “Pollyanna”, but realized words cannot carry the weight of what a real WAIT feels like.

This wait was not just during the last hours of Andy’s life, but for much of two years they had waited for test results, answers, diagnoses, treatment, relief, and healing. I watched them wait with great joy, peace and confidence that God was in control.

While waiting with Robin and her precious family I observed a beautiful, spiritual lesson. Andy provided for and protected Robin in many amazing ways. One visible way was a fence around their property with a remote-controlled gate. None could enter unless those in charge of the remote said so. Throughout the afternoon of his passing, as family gathered the same routine took place over and over.

“Open the gate. Let her in. Shut the gate. Is the gate closed?”

By God’s design, I had been invited inside the gate. I was welcomed to pray, believe, encourage and serve. I carried much love and peace into an already God-saturated atmosphere. I felt the glory of the Lord all around. There was much joy and celebration as they cared for their husband, daddy, son and brother-in-law until Andy stepped through the gate that was swung wide to welcome him into eternity with his Savior. On this day the closed gate was not to protect from danger, but to protect the cherished moments while the family walked him to the gate of eternity. It was a holy moment to not be disturbed.

During the wait, a mail delivery truck pulled up to the front of the house, right outside the window where all were gathered. Startled questions began to fly around the room.

“How did he get in? Is the gate open? Who left the gate open? Really? Shut the gate.”

In a flash the package was dropped off and the delivery man was gone and once again the gate was closed and locked.

The Lord spoke much about that gate. Jesus defined Himself as “the gate”. He made entrance into heaven possible by laying down His own life. Our only way into heaven is through this gate called Jesus.

Love installed the barrier to protect Robin from intruders, harm or danger. But on this day, the gate protected Andy’s entrance into the most glorious gate.

I find that we are often careless with our gates. We don’t watch over our hearts and let all kind of things go in and out.

Watch over your heart with all diligence; For from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23

All of our senses are gates to our heart. What we see, hear, smell, taste, and feel give entrance into our hearts. When we leave the gate open through disobedience, the enemy drives right up to the front door dropping off his neatly packaged lies. If we don’t act fast and send him right back out, he will set up a stronghold that will steal much from our lives.

Jesus gave us the power through the Holy Spirit to take authority over everything in the name and the blood of Jesus. In a sense he gave us the remote control. I have free will to say who gets in the gate and who is left on the other side. It is a deliberate choice on my part. We leave the gate open and then we wonder why the enemy is at our front door. We are not left unprotected and unguarded because Jesus stands guard over our hearts.

Who or what are you giving access to your thoughts, your decisions, your ears, your heart?

Someone needs to SHUT THE GATE!

Robin has not only taught me about waiting, but watching over the gate of my heart. For many years, I have watched her keep careful watch over her gate. When anything shows up that is not supposed to be there she is quick to admit it and turn. She guards her heart as a sanctuary for her Lord to be worshipped and honored.

“Lord give us courage to shut the gate to negative attitudes, murmuring and complaining, Show us where we have given the enemy access to our lives. Make us aware of people we have given access that was never your plan. Search us and show us any disobedience giving the enemy access.

Lord, my heart belongs to You.”

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