Firm Foundation

Posted by Annette Burrell, January 1, 2024
“Christ is my firm foundation; the rock on which I stand. When everything around me is shaken, I’ve never been more glad that I put my faith in Jesus. Because He’s never let me down. He’s faithful through generations. So why would He fail now? He won’t.”
This week has been a week of storms and threats of storms, literally. I saw a report of tornado damage that swept through parts of Panama City Beach, Florida. The pictures of the damage were devastating, but one photograph, in particular, stood out to me.
The area hit was on the curve of Thomas Drive. There are houses to the left. To the right is the beginning of high-rise condominiums on the beach.
These houses are mostly 3-stories in the New England style. The picture broadcast over news reports and social media is of several houses sitting in a row, and the one in the middle is totally off its foundation and leaning on the house next door. The foundation is still there, but the house is detached from it. None of the other houses appear to have been affected by the storm. It is the weirdest-looking thing.
Life is like that sometimes. Storms are all around us, passing us by yet hitting others straight on. I have been in a season of blessing for many years. The year 2023 was difficult. The storms began rolling in. One blow after another.
"Do you suppose God still blesses us even as we experience storms and trials?"
Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Yes, this will be the blessing for the man who fears the Lord. Psalm 128:1-4
As I cling to the promises God has given us throughout the Bible, I also lean on my precious sisters to remind me of who I am grounded upon.
I am blessed to be a part of an arm of Touching Hearts Ministries called Shoulder to Shoulder (S2S). My S2S sisters are a blessing to me. We have a safe place to share what we may be going through and need prayer for. Things stay in the group, unless we say it is ok for it to be public.
My S2S group met this past week, and I shared life’s storms and opened up about some bad dreams I had been having. My sisters laid hands on me and prayed for me to allow God to take control of my dreams. These women are so seeded in the Word, and I know that God has put me in this place with them for such a time as this.
In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8
I had been having “not so good” dreams for weeks. My S2S sisters reminded me that it was fear. And they were right. I have allowed fear to creep into my heart and soul.
God doesn’t give us the spirit of fear.
The evil one wants us to be confused so that we take our focus off the One true God and miss out on God’s protection, mercy, and peace.
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV
As I lay down to sleep that night, I prayed for God to control my dreams and give me peace. He answered my prayers, and I awoke to peace and a different perspective on my circumstances.
At this time of year, when considering goals or resolutions, sometimes we miss the importance of building on the foundations already there.
Even when difficulties arise and I am shaken from my foundation, my foundation is still there. When I feel like life’s pressures are too much to bear, I can turn to those whom God has placed in my life to lean on for support and reminders that I belong to God.
“Are the storms still raging around me? Yes. Are they shaking me off my foundation? Maybe so, but that doesn’t mean my foundation isn’t still there. It is. God is.”
“He is my firm foundation. . .”
Where does life have you right now? Are you in a season of blessing, or have life’s storms hit you and knocked you off your foundation? Cling to God’s promises. Lean on a spiritual sister. You can find one at Touching Hearts Ministries if you need a sister to lean on. We are here to do just that—touch your heart.
God, I pray today that you touch someone’s heart and give them peace in the middle of their storm. In your son’s name, I pray. Amen

Annette Burrell is an author, speaker, and singer/songwriter. Through Annette’s years of being a public servant, and her devotion to studying the Bible, God has equipped her to lead women into His presence, and share with them how they can grow in Christ. Her passion is learning, sharing about the Heavenly realms, and God’s plan of protection for us as believers.
Thanks, Annett, for reminding us of our unshakable foundation, even when the storm rages.
Oh, Annette, what wonderful words of encouragement. Yes, we often forget that the Lord is near when hard times come, but thank you for these words and scriptures that direct us back to Him.❤️
Beautiful, Annette. Love your heart and writing. Shandry