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Welcome to the blog ministry of Touching Hearts! Each week we will release a new blog written by one of our team of authors. We pray each blog will encourage you to go deeper into a relationship with Jesus. 

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“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener...I am the vine; you are the branches. If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:1,5

Scattered throughout the book of John are the seven “I AM” statements of Jesus. I have spent the last several months studying these powerful words. I have found that Jesus carefully taught His disciples everything they needed to know. As He was making steps toward the cross, He was revealing to them the truth of Himself.

This week I found Jesus in the vineyard with His beloved disciples. Less than twenty four hours before facing the cross, yet He paused in the garden to teach them a new word. Up until then, He had continuously told them, “Follow Me.” But in the vineyard He gave them a new word.


“Abide in Me and I will abide in you.” And then came the promise, “You will bear much fruit.”

Scripture doesn’t give us the details, but in my mind I picture Jesus touching the vine and the branch and perhaps carefully cupping a cluster of fruit in His hand. In the midst of the garden, He said to them, “I AM the true vine.”

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener...I am the vine; you are the branches. If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:1,5

A practical vineyard experience I had a few years ago brings greater understanding. My friend Toni and I, traveled to Oregon to spend some time with our dear sister, Kim who was caring for her daughter that was stepping from this earth into her eternal home. We were there to love, listen and encourage. We were there to pray for healing and to be right in the middle of Kim’s unwanted reality.

One afternoon we found ourselves at the altar of a beautiful little chapel, praying and worshipping while the world passed by. The doors were always locked, but on that special day, we found entrance into the very presence of the Lord. Together, on our knees we slowly and awkwardly sang along with Hillsong.

In the crushing, in the pressing

You are making new wine.

In the soil I now surrender.

You are breaking new ground.

So I yield to You into Your careful hand.

When I trust You, I don't need to understand.

Make me Your vessel, make me an offering,

Make me whatever You want me to be.

I came here with nothing,

But all You have given me, Jesus, bring new wine out of me.

(New Wine - Hillsong Worship)

It was grueling to sing while watching our friend wrestle with the “Even if He does not…” It was even harder to sing as the mom of a dying daughter. And yet the three of us chose the beautiful surrender that this song depicts. We didn’t realize the greater significance until a few hours later when we found ourselves sitting in the middle of a vineyard sharing communion with one another.

They called it wine tasting, but for us the Lord set a table in the middle of His vineyard and invited us to join in His sufferings and eat and drink of His vine. He gave us great joy and hope in exchange for our surrender. Just as He took steps toward the cross, so we would have our own crosses to bear. He promised to be sufficient and faithful in it all, and the three of us testify that He was faithful and He is faithful and He will continue to be faithful.

Though there were no grapes on the vines that day, we stared at the carefully tied branches that were full of promise. It was obvious these were well tended vines, expected to produce more fruit. We also must cling to the promises that we yet see fulfilled, knowing that He is the promise keeper. From the vineyard, Jesus Himself promised that if we will abide in Him and He in us, we will bear fruit. Isn’t fruit bearing the purpose of the vineyard? His fruit will naturally appear on our branches as the Holy Spirit sap flows up through our lives. Suddenly, we will realize all of the fruit of the Spirit appearing on our branch. We will move from no fruit, to fruit, to much fruit, and to more fruit. Ever growing and maturing in Jesus.

And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control...” (Gal. 5:22-23)

The key word is ABIDE.

Remain, continue, cling, wait.

Believe for what you cannot see.

His life within will produce more than you can ever imagine.

When everything around you appears dead and unproductive,

Remember, as you abide, He produces.

Wait. Give Him time. Cling to the promise.

Allow the cleansing, the pruning, the crushing.

He is producing His fruit for His glory.

“Jesus, bring new wine out of me.”


A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35

These words were spoken by Jesus to his disciples as they gathered around the table and shared the last meal together before His crucifixion. He had lowered Himself to the floor and washed their dirty feet. He revealed that there was a betrayer among them. Peter, who was certain of his love and loyalty for Jesus, was confronted by Jesus that before the night was over he would deny Him three times. He told them that His time to die and depart had come. Scene by scene, He uncovered for them the way it was all about to unfold. It was in that setting, circled around the table that He speaks a new command to them.

Love. Love one another. Love like me.

This is how others will know that you are my followers…

By the way you love one another.

We read no comment and no response from any of the disciples. They moved right past this profound command and demanded answers to their next question. I don’t know if they missed it or just didn’t know what to do with it. But Jesus knew they would need His love to endure the next three days and the remainder of their lives.

I can hear that old song, performed best by Dionne Warwick, “What The World Needs Now.” We need her to sing it right down into our hearts awakening us to this much needed lifestyle of love that Jesus commanded.

“What the world needs now is love, sweet love,

It's the only thing that there's just too little of.

What the world needs now is love, sweet love

No not just for some, but for everyone.”

The world needs for Jesus to show up at our tables declaring this new commandment that seems to have become an old forgotten suggestion. “Love one another” seems to have been traded in for a hard, cold and bitter hatred. We have come under the command of another, named Satan, who yells into our homes, hearts, government, and even churches: “Hate one another. Mistreat one another. Lie about one another. Cheat one another. Steal from one another. Betray one another. Accuse one another. Kill one another.”

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

Love one another changes everything.

Loving like Jesus is not something we can manufacture. I find it is critical to humble myself before God and ask for His forgiveness for the lack of love for all mankind. I plead with Him to deposit more of His love within me. I continue to surrender myself and ask Him to take over and love through my thoughts, my words and my actions. I can’t do it in this world full of hatred and division, but oh, He can do it through me. All He needs is a surrendered vessel that demands no rights of my own. I often find myself asking Him to show me what His love would look like in a particular situation. It is shocking, because His love looks nothing like our fake love.

His love willingly laid down His life for those who hated him, mocked him, spit upon him, hurled insults upon, and killed his body. And through it all:

His love was silent.

His love did not protest or defend.

His love did not strike back.

His love endured all the way to the cross, the grave and right into the chair at the right hand of His Father. To this day He remains there interceding for us that we might be His love in a dark world that will treat us the same as it treated Him.

Before going to the cross Jesus prayed for you and for me.

“Father, I have made you known to them and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” John 17:26

“Lord, this heart of mine needs love. This world needs love. Transform me that I may be a vessel of your love to a world that desperately needs You.”

  • Writer's pictureMartha Wilson


“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10

My dog, Kobee is very panicky and has rightfully earned his nickname “Scaredy Cat.” Sudden noises cause him to run to the other side of the room. He barks at an item out of place just because it looks like it might fall with a resounding loud noise. He is definitely frightened by the thunder or anything that sounds similar to it. One tiny rumble sends him running back to the door. He dashes into the house with his tail tucked low and as quickly as possible he is underneath the bed. We always attempt to coax him out and bring him into our laps to console him, but he prefers to be under the bed alone. The day after a storm finds him lingering close to the bed just in case he needs to take quick cover in his hiding place.

When he is so frightened, I desperately want his trembling body on my lap, underneath a blanket, but he strongly resists my efforts. Why does he feel safer alone than in my loving arms? There’s comfort, security and warmth in my arms. I scratch his favorite spots and sneak him extra treats, but he constantly pulls away, longing to hide underneath the dusty bed.

Sound familiar?

Truth be told, we often feel better in our own self-made safe place hideouts than in trusting Almighty God. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but am I not correct on this? His arms are wide open and in Him is perfect protection, shelter and safety, yet we crawl into our safe place and tremble through the night. Hidden away in the dark, we miss all of His special attention and provision. We live lonely, fearful, hidden and isolated lives because we are too afraid to trust God or the people that He sends our way. We do it our own way and work ourselves into a frenzy when all the time God’s provision is right there beside us.

Trials and scary circumstances are wonderful opportunities to run into Him instead of running away from Him. I find the times that I trust Him in the scary and panicky places to be some of the greatest times of intimacy with the Lord. It is the very place that I learn to trust Him more and more.

The psalmist testifies from personal experience:

“You Jehovah are my Hiding Place and my shield. I have put my hope in and confidently rest on Your word.” Psalm 119:114

“You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7

Jesus Christ is our HIDING PLACE. He is not a place to turn when we are afraid, but a place that we live. I am in Him and He is in me. So when I am afraid I pause to picture this shelter that I live within.

T. Austin Sparks says it well: “Indeed, our trial may continue unabated, and yet we are ‘lifted up’ and enabled by the Spirit to supernaturally experience the security and safety of our ever available, all powerful, all sufficient HIDING PLACE, Christ Jesus. So remember that true security and safety is not the absence of danger, but the presence of Christ in us and us in Him, regardless of the danger.”

“Lord, I run into You and Your powerful name. In You I find shelter, safety and provision.

I want to trust You when I am so afraid.

You are my refuge, my shelter, my Hiding Place.

Your arms are always better than any other place I try to hide.”

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