“Touching Hearts Ministries exist to embrace, encourage, equip and empower women from all walks of life to live for the glory of God.”
In her early twenties, Martha Wilson sensed God calling her to gather women in her home for prayer and Bible study. She felt so young and inadequate but obeyed the nudge. Martha was unaware that God was planting a dream, and equipping her to begin a community ministry that would reach beyond the walls of the local church to minister to women. This new experience of building deep friendships while growing in the knowledge and understanding of God’s word was life-changing.
Touching Hearts, Inc. was founded in 2003, and all these years later, we continue to gather in His name to embrace, encourage, equip, and empower women from all walks of life to live for the glory of God.
Touching Hearts has been blessed to serve the local church through retreats and conferences. Within Touching Hearts, God has raised many speakers, teachers, and worship leaders to lead others into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. It has been a privilege to minister to women in many different settings, and see them respond to God’s great invitation to a passionate love relationship.
Please contact us if this is an area in which we might be able to serve your church.
TH is privileged to share the love of Jesus, whether one-on-one over a cup of coffee, in our weekly local gatherings, leading in conferences and retreats, or teaching and sharing with women struggling with life-controlling addictions. His love reaches far and wide, and we desire to go wherever He leads.
If you long for a place to belong, to be seen and heard, and to grow in your understanding of life in Christ, we invite you to journey with us at Touching Hearts. You may connect with us through one of our local groups, a retreat/conference in your city, or here online, where you will find writings, weekly recorded messages, and “A Burst of Hope” podcast.
We are here to serve you! We are choosing to allow God to use all of the mess of our lives to help someone else connect in a personal relationship with God. We have seen glimpses of what God can do, and we anticipate more.
If you long for a place to belong, to be seen and heard, and to grow in your understanding of life in Christ, we invite you to journey with us at Touching Hearts.
A word from Martha Wilson
A new year! A new beginning. A fresh start! One of my favorite things of the new year is a crisp new journal. White pages waiting to be embossed with the happenings of 2017. These pages stare at me like a new chapter of my life waiting to be written. I have no idea what each page holds but how amazing to trust in a Sovereign God who knows all things. In HIs book every stroke is already written. I step into this year grasping Him and being held by Him, knowing that no matter what comes my way, it is already written. There are no surprises, no plan B, no ripping out of pages. He knows all things. We live in such uncertain times, but with Jesus as my Cornerstone, my hope, my anchor, I can fully enter in confident that Col 1:17 is true. “In Him all things hold together.” I am blessed to stand together with amazing women like you! Look around and invite others to journey with us. See you on Tuesday!