Robin Dixon
Robin is a passionate voice for the kingdom of God. She worships, speaks and prays with fire, power, and conviction. Robin’s life was transformed by God’s love and she overcame many struggles through the power of His word. Robin’s heart beats for women to be set free from the lies they believe and to experience the freedom that results as they walk in “truth”. An encounter with her reveals how passionate she is about this ministry.
Like many others, Robin’s childhood had its challenges, which left her with a distorted view of God’s grace and love. As an adult, this view impacted her closest love relationships including her marriage. In 1989, Robin met Jesus Christ, who knew everything about her and loved her in spite of it. He became her Lord and Savior and seven years later her husband also accepted Him.
The Lord brought Robin to Touching Hearts Ministries in 2006. She has served in various positions in the ministry. In 2011 a group of younger women of THM asked Robin to mentor them because of their desire for more passionate relationships with God. Young Warrior Brides was birthed and God handpicked Robin as His servant. She serves alongside Martha Wilson as they journey with these young women. Touching Hearts Ministries vision includes pouring into the next generation and encouraging them to be warriors for the kingdom of God.
Robin was married to the love of her life, Andy Dixon, who has now gone on to be with the Lord. She has 2 married sons and 4 amazing grandchildren and one on the way.