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Welcome to the blog ministry of Touching Hearts! Each week we will release a new blog written by one of our team of authors. We pray each blog will encourage you to go deeper into a relationship with Jesus. 

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Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths.

Guide me in Your truth and faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You [You only and altogether] do I wait [expectantly] all the day long. -Psalms 25:4-5


Being a part of ministering to women is an incredible joy. I have the privilege of sharing coffee and conversation with women from many different walks of life. In a recent conversation, God spoke to both of us. We paused and began typing His words into our phones. The word kept coming and we giggled as He was revealing Himself to us in a glorious divine way.

This life is a divine journey. Watch and Listen!

We sat talking of our journey over the past several months. Losing perspective and focus usually leads to loss of purpose. It can feel like depression, but it is really just a loss of purpose. Season’s change, assignments come and go and in the shifting we sometimes get lost.

The Lord spoke: "Posture yourself every day for My purpose; My assignment. Wake up and dress for My assignment; postured ready at any moment."

You may not know what it is, but there is an assignment every day. It may be a prayer assignment. It may be cleaning and organizing. It may be writing a card; delivering a flower; cooking a meal. It may be to sitting quietly with Him or it may be reading a book. It may be delivering a message or feeding a hungry man. You do not know, but posture yourself for what is coming.

The word purpose sounds like a book. It is huge, detailed, important, life-changing. We get stuck trying to figure out this grandiose purpose. But if we live every day waiting on an assignment, we will not miss Him in the practical. An assignment is like a little slip of paper. It may seem so insignificant, but it is powerful in the Kingdom of God.

Prayer is one of those little slips of paper that gets neglected because it seems so trivial. Prayer brings the greatest eternal value. We want to get on with the important life-purpose, when prayer is the life-purpose.

Little Assignments equal life-purpose!

Wake up! Dress Up! Hold your hand out for your little slip of paper.

Obey every little assignment and He will send more and more and more. We are all on a kingdom assignment.

I hope to bump into you today as our slips of paper collide causing great kingdom impact.

What assignment did He give you today?

She heard the heart behind my typed words.

I want this ministry to outlive me. When I am gone, I pray that it will carry on.

When we sat face to face, she poured encouragement into me. She confidently stated that the ministry I have poured my life into, would live on. “Martha, it is not just who you can see with your eyes. It is not just who passes through our ministry doors. As God’s word has impacted women’s lives, their children and grandchildren likewise have greatly benefitted. According to God’s word, it passes on from generation to generation.”

Wow! What a privilege. What an incredible responsibility.

I remember the Thanksgiving family gathering many years ago when Daddy, Mama and Brother were still in our circle. At Daddy’s request I stood to read the Bible before we prayed. I chose Psalm 145 declaring that His greatness had been given to us through our parents; we likewise would spread it on through generations to come.

Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts. They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds. They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness. (3-7)

When God looked at Abraham, He saw his children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and you and me. Long before there were any children or any hope of children, God made a covenant with him.

“…Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him…” (Genesis 18:18 ESV)

This covenant made with Abraham reached forward into many generations and became covenant with you and me. As sons and daughters, we are the descendants of Abraham. We are His promise fulfilled.

When God touches one life, generations are impacted.

God looks for those who will receive His message, His call, and His assignment and pass it on. Our lives look different than Abraham but our stories matter just as much. We continue to be the fulfillment of God’s plan. As we allow God to use all of our life for His glory, His goodness is passed on.

God has a specific way that He wants to express His goodness through you. He desires to touch everyone that passes through your life. Look beyond your own family to any that God drops into your path even if for a few minutes.

You might ask, “How can I impact generations?”

Commend His works to another

Tell of His mighty acts.

Speak of the glorious splendor of His majesty

Meditate on His wonderful works

Tell of the power of His awesome works

Proclaim His great deeds

Celebrate His abundant goodness

Joyfully sing of His righteousness

God give us vision for generations to come.

  • Writer's pictureMartha Wilson

It was an especially difficult day with many uncomfortable moments. Another day to obey the Lord in the hard places. It is especially tough when your obedience is challenged. The temptation to back down, change your mind, and allow just this one thing presses hard against the will to obey God.

Silently I told the Lord, “I love you more. I will not back down in what I know you have shown me. Use the difficult to sharpen me for you and your kingdom.”

"Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life." (Proverbs 4:23)

I put a fence around my heart by constantly praying and forgiving. I told the Lord, I would not let any offense, hurt or wrong attitude have a place in my heart.

As I drove home, I felt pity creeping up to find a seat in my heart. “Oh, no you don’t. Pity, you have no place in my heart. This heart is full of the Spirit of the Living God and I am full of peace, joy and thanksgiving. Lord, I thank you for the pressing, the difficult. Use it to whittle me down for your purposes.”

As I pulled into my drive way I couldn’t get out of the car quick enough. I changed clothes, grabbed my ear buds, leashed the dog and put my feet to pavement. As I walked, I worshipped my Lord. I knew the way out was worship. I quickly forwarded past the songs about “me” and only longed to hear the songs of the greatness of my God.

My heart was full of the glory of the Lord. I let the events of the day drop to the ground. Again, I declared my loyalty to my God. As I awakened the next morning, He reminded me that a few months earlier, I had recommitted myself to be His bondservant. I willingly chose to belong to Him and to serve Him no matter what the cost.

So here I am. Joyfully obeying. I am a well-kept servant of the Lord. He is faithful, loving and kind and He provides everything that I need.

Oh, what a master!

Are you able to worship God in the hard places? This is one of the most difficult tasks of the faith-life. It is easy to worship God when the sun shines bright. It is easy to worship God when the bank account has more than enough. It is easy to worship God when the boss applauds you. It is easy to worship God when everyone loves you and agrees with you. But what about during the hard times? Job gives us a good example of how to worship during the hard times.

“Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped. And he said: "Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:20-21)

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