Valley Dwelling

"He makes me lie down in green pastures,he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake." -Psalm 23:2-3
Curve after curve, the Canadian Mountains brought many exhilarating moments filling me with constant “ooohs and aaahs!” I was forever asking, “Is that a mountain or a cloud?” As we traveled through a deep valley with high mountains encircling us, the richness of the valley was obvious. The soil was dark and the grass the greenest green I have ever seen.
The pastures were lush and beautiful with very happy cattle. The blueberry bushes were vibrant gold and orange promising a great harvest next spring. The farms were numerous because someone knew the richest soil was in the deep valley. The most promising and successful produce would come from this rich, wet land.
If only we could believe this truth in life. The valleys of life hold the richest opportunities for growth. It is our choice to plant in the valley expecting an incredible harvest in another season. It seems that the opposite is the common choice. We are constantly looking for a quick way out of the valley instead of planting and taking advantage of the deep dark soil flooded with rain from heaven. Earth bound living says the valley is to be avoided at all cost. Pass through as quickly as possible. Make your way to the mountaintop.
"Passing through the Valley of Weeping (Baca), they make it a place of springs; the early rain also covers it with blessings." -Psalm 84:6
We pass through the valley and we choose to make it a place of refreshment and growth. Lying down in the green pastures provided by the love of God enables us to soak up the riches of God making our lives fruitful and abundant. The fruit of our valley will not only feed us in coming seasons, but many others will benefit from our generous crop.
This is one of many God surprises. The valley is a source of great abundance!
Don’t get me wrong; the mountaintops are truly amazing. As we drove through the mountains, we made our way to the top of several of those mountains. Yet there was always more towering above and beyond us. The air is crisp and clear and the view is breathtaking. The perspective from the top gives us the passion needed for the valley.
Lord, teach us to embrace valley dwelling, knowing that the riches gained are worth it all.