Jam-Packed Car

My husband loves to tell the story from his youth when three couples packed themselves into a 1959 Volkswagen car for a triple date. Not only were there six people in this little car, but one of the boys was a lanky 6’10”, and his date none less than 6 feet tall. I can’t even comprehend how it was possible, but it seems that when you are young and wanting to make something happen you find a way. I would definitely say that was a jam packed little car.
Last Sunday I had the privilege of babysitting my little grandson Asher who lives in downtown Atlanta. My friend Robin, concerned about my late night travel home, texted to see if I was spending the night. She was concerned about me driving home alone through Atlanta traffic. I admit that I felt a little fear stir within from her expressed concern.
As I drove up from the underground parking deck I began to pray for my trip home. I reached over and patted the passenger seat saying, “God you are my husband and you are right here making this trip home with me. I am not alone. And you are my Daddy and you are right here in this car with me. Oh, yes you are my Shepherd who will lead me safely home. You are my Protector; therefore, I have no need to fear. You are my Deliverer from any harm.” I literally felt the car getting a bit crammed. All of God was filling up not only the passenger seat, but also the entire car. I told God it was getting a bit stuffy in there. I laughed out loud at the thought of all of my traveling companions for my late night drive home. My car seemed much more crammed than the little 1959 VW bug packed with 6 adventuresome teenagers looking for some fun.
I secretly hoped the trip would not pass quickly because His presence with me was so real and wonderful. It felt as if I could literally hold his hand and hear him breathe next to me. We talked, laughed and sang all the way home. I wondered if the passing cars looked over and questioned how I could have crammed so much of God into one vehicle.
Often, we drive through much of life feeling alone, overwhelmed, afraid, clueless and lost. Yet, He is right there with us all the time. But there is something supernatural that happens when we acknowledge Him and His powerful presence. He loves to be invited into our everyday, ordinary life. As we acknowledge Him, we actually become aware of Him. By faith we call on Him and He comes near.
What a privilege we have to call out to all of the names of God.
When you feel alone, invite your Husband and Daddy to travel with you. When needing direction, invite Your Shepherd to lead and guide the way. When you are afraid of harm, call for My Protector. When you grow weak and tired, call for My Strength. When the ground beneath your feet seems shaky, call for My Rock. When you are in the sinking sand of life, call My Anchor.
Listening to David’s many songs in the Psalms, we can know that He too knew the supernatural power of acknowledging God for all that He is.
“I love you, LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies.” Ps. 18:1-3