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"The Call to Stand"

Put on God’s whole armor (the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies), that you may be able successfully to stand up against (ALL) the strategies and the deceits of the devil. “Eph. 6:11 AMP

While studying the armor of God found in Ephesians 6:10-18, the word “stand” continued to glare at me. The word stuck out like braille lettering created for those with no sight or low vision. It was as if God was saying, “It has always been here but you have not seen it. Pause and run your fingers across the word and understand what I am calling you to.”

After walking with God for over 50 years, I see that He speaks to me in patterns. When I hear it once, I take note, but when it comes in multiples I know He has an important message for me. Within 3 short but powerful verses, the word “stand” appears four times. Paul was calling us to a soldier stance, fully armed, equipped, and empowered to stand in the midst of any attack. Our key verse says that we can stand up against ALL the attacks and strategies of the enemy. The passage goes on to teach us how.

Stand up against all the strategies and deceits of the devil

Resist and Stand your ground

Stand firmly in your place

Stand therefore; hold your ground

Stand is more than a word; it is a call. Do you hear it? Will you answer?

This is not an impossible command, but possible through His mighty power that lives within all who are saved. We have been given authority and power to stand.

In 2017, I have answered the call not only to stand myself, but also to rally others together to stand. The church has been rocked to sleep. We have longed for and feasted on comfort food instead of power food. We have fainted when we should be brave and courageous. We have relaxed and settled in as if it is half time. We have turned a blind eye while the enemy has stolen from our marriages, our children and grandchildren, our finances and the fulfillment of God’s dreams. We have given the enemy access to everything that Jesus purchased for us. It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to Arise and Stand as the mighty army of the Lord. We must become enraged over the enemy’s fierce attempts and stand together fully armed.

If the verse is true, let’s move into action. Do I have any takers out there that want to stand in His mighty power and take back what the enemy has stolen? Do you know how Webster defines steal? To take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

No! He must return it because the blood of Jesus purchased it for us, His children. The enemy must loosen his grip as we put into action the power in prayer. “Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7. This call requires a personal “YES” followed by action. I will not only read the word, or rub my fingers across the letters, but I will hear the call and I will arise and stand.

As we stand, others will come alongside us and “Stand Shoulder to Shoulder”. (Don’t miss next week’s blog!)

So what am I to do?

  • Answer the call personally. As you have read these words I believe the Spirit has stirred hope and desire within your heart. Give a new surrendered “YES” to the Lord. Physically stand up and declare to the Lord you want to “STAND” in His mighty power as the army of the Lord.

  • Women, you are invited to rally together with us for our Fayette County STAND CONFERENCE on April 22. (Details below)

  • The “STAND” team would love the privilege of bringing the conference to your city. As you stand, will you help sound the trumpet with us? Please reply for more information.

  • Read next weeks blog to learn another way to be a part of “STAND”

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©2017 by Touching Hearts Ministries

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