The salty beach air quickly drew Ed into a deep sleep. Within seconds he suddenly awakened and told me of his silly dream. With business on his mind while we were vacationing for a few days, he dreamed about his guy’s back home working. In dreamland he was informing them that he had ordered a new tool for them. He emphatically told them that they did not need to wait for his return before using it. Funny thing is, the tool was a dustpan.
A dustpan is for removing dirt, trash, and waste. The floor is swept clean but then must be swept into the dustpan and thrown out. Please tell me that some of you have done the same as I. In a pinch, instead of taking time to grab the dustpan and totally remove the trash, you quickly sweep it behind the door or under the shelf to be properly removed at a later time.
I fear that the church of Jesus Christ, His beloved bride, is doing the same thing. We are giving a quick nod acknowledging God’s correction, but then we promptly sweep it in the corner or under the rug. Out of immediate sight, we are deceived into actually believing that the sin has been dealt with.
Sin calls for confession and repentance, not just acknowledgement!
When God says: “You did it; you thought it; you enabled it; you covered it; you ignored it, you judged it”, my response must be full agreement. I say, “Yes Lord, I confess it. You are right. Lord, forgive me. Thank you for your blood that cleanses me from this sin against you.” A simple nod is sweeping it in the corner.
We see it in Joshua 7 through the story of Achan. Against God’s command, Achan had stolen items that had been devoted to the Lord. He disobeyed and hid the stolen treasures in his tent. He dug a hole in the earth and tried to cover his sin. What he failed to remember was that God sees and knows all things. It was costly not only to himself but to all of Israel. His disobedience cost everyone. Hidden sin never disappears but grows tentacles birthing devastation to me and to those around me.
God is calling His church to clean up. We can’t wait for His return to use the dustpan. He is returning soon and He will return for a clean, pure spotless bride.
Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. Eph. 5:25-27
Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Rev. 19:7-8
Let’s invite Holy Spirit to search every corner; lift every rug; uncover every hidden thing that we might confess our sin and repent. The cross and His blood have given us all that is needed to be ready for His return. Lord, thank you for forgiveness!