Standing Still In The Storm
“And suddenly a violent storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was being covered by the waves; but Jesus was sleeping. And the disciples went and woke Him, saying, “Lord, save us, we are going to die!” He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?” - Matthew 8:24-26
During the recent hurricane news reporting, I was fascinated how the ones reporting on site of the storm seemed to take delight in their opportunity to be in the midst of all the adverse weather conditions. They were rain soaked, wind torn, tossed around, dodging broken limbs flying through the air. They positioned their feet and legs in such a way as to not be blown away. I took note of one reporter saying to another: “I watched you reporting during the storm and I was amazed that you were not blown away. I would have been blown into a tree.” His response to her was, “We were built to stand still in a storm.”
If Jesus could sleep through the storm of hurricane force, should we not also be able to withstand many adversities? Oh, that we as disciples of Jesus would take delight in positioning ourselves as He places us in the midst of adverse life situations and stand still in the storm? We have the strength of the Lord within us. We are equipped with the Armor of God to stand firm. We have been made warriors of God.
We have everything that we need in Christ Jesus.
“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.” - 2 Peter 1:3
Would Jesus say to us today, “Why are you afraid, you men and women of little faith?” As we are rooted and grounded in Him, the strong winds will blow, but not blow us over.
Lord, increase our faith to believe You are who you say You are. You are our strength and shield. You are our stronghold. You are our help in times of trouble. When the winds of life blow against us, may we stand firm.
“To learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings.”
- George Mueller