Into My Heart

The sweet chorus from my childhood found it’s way back into my heart. I sang it as a child and today I sing it with a child like heart.
“Into my heart. Into my heart. Come in to my heart Lord Jesus.
Come in today. Come in to stay. Come in to my heart Lord Jesus”
As I pondered the details of the familiar Christmas story, I pictured Joseph going from door to door searching for a room for Mary to give birth to a son, whose name was Emmanuel – God With Us. The scripture says, “they could find no room in the inn”. I picture them knocking on doors, longing to find one who would not only make room for Jesus to be born, but one who would recognize that this was not just any birth.
When all possibilities produced only closed doors, the divine door opened to the prepared labor and delivery room. It had not been sterilized and sanitized like our modern day delivery room, but was purified by the holiness of God. It was just as God intended with every detail in place. According to His sovereign plan, Jesus was born in the open door stable.
God prepares open doors for His presence to be born into. He comes to the doors of our heart and knocks, longing not only to be born into our hearts, but to daily experience deep, intimate relationship with us.
“Behold, I stand at the door and continually knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him (restore him), and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20
How does He find your heart this Christmas? Is every room filled leaving no space for your Savior, your King?
Emmanuel – God With Us
He came to be with us. To be Life to us. To be Savior, King, Lord.
Will we swing wide open the doors of our hearts? Will we live like an open door stable giving Him free access to our hearts from any angle you look at it?
What can I give Him?
I give Him my whole heart to be filled with Him in sweet intimate fellowship.
“Into my heart. Into my heart. Come in to my heart Lord Jesus.
Come in today. Come in to stay. Come in to my heart Lord Jesus”