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Beach Buddy


The trip to the beach always holds many delights and surprises. Time away from the normal schedule and hours upon hours to read, meditate, nap and enjoy hubby and friends is a glorious vacation. Walking the beach searching for seashells is one of my favorite things to do. The early morning breeze prods me along, and the sandpipers are my companions. The pier seems a very obtainable goal until my feet, ankles and calves begin to rebel. It seems to move further away instead of me getting closer. Finally reaching the destination, I take a deep breath, snap a few photos and turn to make the walk back to our condo just hoping and praying my feet will carry me home.

On the first day, I stopped short of the pier, turning back just to insure I could make it. On day two my husband accompanied me and we made it a stroll instead of an exercise routine. On day three I was thrilled to make it with no problem. Worship music in my ear and the presence of God filling me, I knew I could make it. I tapped the pier post and turned to return home. In the distance heading my way was my beach buddy. Once a year, we meet up at the timeshare and days are full of little catch up times, but the best part is we share a passionate love for God. I was well on my way back when I spotted her coming my way. Good morning hugs and our chatting was in full motion. Before I knew what I was doing, I turned and motioned that I would return to the pier with her. The pier is the goal for everyone and on this day, I would do it again to be with her.

The conversation was filled with encouragement and blessing of the Lord. We not only reached the pier, but also kept walking beyond. I soon suggested we better turn back so I could make it. As we walked and talked of Jesus, before I realized it we were not only back to our condo but also beyond it.

I stopped and said, “Wait a minute, we passed our condo.” Her response was precious. “I know. I was enjoying our time so much and just didn’t want it to end. I treasure my Martha time.”

As I thought of it later I smiled. A beautiful lesson learned…..

“With a friend beside you, you can walk longer and further than you ever imagined.“

The focus was different. It wasn’t just a walk or even just exercise. The pier was not the goal to be conquered. The condo was not necessarily the stopping point.

The goal was time together; conversation; encouragement; connection.

It happened with no thought and no effort.

There is a world crying out for connection, time, encouragement, love.

To be seen, heard and known.

More often than I am happy to admit, I am caught in “my time” and “my goal” that I miss the wonderful opportunities right in front of me. But not this day. I saw my friend and snagged the opportunity to help her reach the goal and to be with her. She slowed her pace for me and took me further than I dreamed I could go. Our hearts were filled with blessing and words of life. I walked faster all day from the overflow of my beach buddy time.

Who’s walking your way? Don’t miss the opportunity…there is a treasure to be found in people greater than any washed up seashell.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor;

If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.

But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.

But how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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