Wave After Wave

“Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations!
I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10
As summer comes to a close, I reflect on all the lessons learned from time with my grandchildren. My three-year-old grandson, River wasn’t really sure about the ocean. He was definitely mesmerized by the big water, but wasn’t so sure he wanted to get too close to the crashing waves. There was an automatic respect of this powerful body of water that continuously sent waves that shifted the sand beneath his little feet. On day one, he was quite resistant to get his feet in the water. While everyone else was running to jump into the water, he gripped his daddy’s hand and pulled back. When his toes finally touched the water he was thrilled, but cautious. There was no screaming and turning away, but he was hesitant to get too friendly with the ever-moving big waters.
On the second day he was perfectly satisfied just playing in the sand and showed little interest even in helping retrieve water in the bucket for his castle-building. Well, the truth is he wanted a bucket of water to keep his hands clean. He loved playing in the sand, but found sandy hands quite annoying. He simply gave the orders to whoever would obey; “I need more water.”
A few hours later I surprisingly convinced him to walk to the edge of the water with me. With bucket in hand he tightly gripped my hand and pressed his little body up very close to mine. When the first wave covered his feet, he gasped, “Whoa!” Before he could finish that breath, another wave came. Each time he gasped with excitement and let out another, “Whoa!” Over and over and over he enjoyed each new wave until his grip slipped from my hand. He continued to press his body close to mine, but He grew a little braver jumping around.
As I begin a new study of The Attributes of God, I feel like River. I stand at the edge of the vastness of a great God. I cautiously approach the edge and yet I find Him to be overwhelming. The delight and awesomeness is more than I can take in. Before I get over one wave of His love, another comes roaring in full of power, grace and mercy. I enjoy Him and gasp “Whoa!” as Who He Is overtakes me. There is no end. I am left breathless and speechless. Besides, there are no words to describe this God that I am privileged to call “MY GOD”.
He is like an ocean. His waves of love come crashing over us convincing us of His delight in us. Sometimes standing in the edge of the water, there is a voice calling us to more. Go ahead and jump in! River’s siblings were jumping and playing and riding endless waves, coughing up salt water and going back for more. He never missed out, because he was immersed in as much of the ocean as he could take in. By the last day he was running in and out totally enjoying himself. There was no way he could take in the enormity of the ocean.
Wave after wave of the character of God overwhelms me. It never grows old and I never want to tire of it. I set my eyes on Him and stare taking in all that I can contain. And then another wave comes bringing agreement in my heart that He really is who He says that He is.
Life experiences may have convinced you to sit in the sand and doubt God. You may be content for the moment building sand castles, but He beckons you to step into the water. Dare to stare at who God really is. There is so much of Him to know, to see, to hear, and to enjoy. He is a knowable God who longs to be known intimately. He is to be highly respected and revered and yet He longs to be known intimately. He does not hide Himself from us but has taken great detail in making Himself known.
Grip His hand. Press into Him. Let Him leave you breathless and speechless.
May you be overcome by wave after wave of His great love for you today.
“Those who know Your name trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you”. Psalm 9:10