God Will Make A Way

In my distress I called upon the LORD; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.
Psalm 18:6
I was privileged to spend the day with a dear friend. Instead of a cozy little coffee shop, we spent the day in the Emergency Room. Over and over and over she told her story, pleading for someone to hear her and help her. I continued to tell her, we cannot make anything happen, but we must trust in the Lord to make a way. For two weeks she has been to doctors' offices and hospitals trying to get some help. We persevered and continued to call on the Lord for help. After eight long hours of waiting, consultations, pleas and tests, she was admitted to the hospital for further testing. All along this is what we felt was necessary to get the ball rolling. I am praying that some real answers will begin to come for her.
I didn’t get to write today, but I practiced what I have been learning and teaching. I believe my words for my friend might be exactly what some of you need to hear today. Instead of my usual kind of writing, may I just pass along some encouragement?
These feel like little sticky notes that we all need right now.
”God is in control of all things all the time.”
”We must cry out to Him, knowing that He hears us and He is fighting for us.”
”It doesn’t always happen instantly, but we have to keep our faith that God will make a way when there seems to be no way.”
“Ask and then expect God to move.”
“Faithful you have been and faithful you will be.”
”We will praise you Lord, no matter what.”
Sticky note truths will propel you on through the hard days and nights. Grab a few and cling to the One who is faithful to see you through.