To Be Continued...
I well remember our gasp and glare at the TV. What? No way. We had sat immersed for two hours and there was no ending; no conclusion. We quickly searched for part two only to find that the conclusion would not be known for another year. That’s right, it would be concluded in the next season.
Life is one long “to be continued” story. The truth is, it is not a movie viewed for entertainment, but reality. We sit on the edge of our seats waiting for the conclusion to life stories, only to be left hanging days, weeks, months and even years. Every day we awaken hoping the conclusion will come, but it leads to another day of waiting. Truth be told, some conclusions are never known in our lifetime.
I believe what we do while waiting is crucial.
If we are not prepared for what to do while we wait, it is easy to grow weary, depressed, bitter and strangled by fear. Needless to say, we did not sit on our couch for the next year waiting for Part Two of the movie. Yet, this is what we often do in real life. We think that waiting on God is sitting, but instead waiting is actually very active. We can become very ”conclusion” focused instead of living every day fully alive. Chunks of our life zip past without our awareness. We wake up one day wondering where so much of life slipped away.
I know God is training me to awaken each day looking for Him, not looking for the solution to my situation. Much of my journey with God has been seeking the answer, the ending, the conclusion to the cliff hanger moments of life, but I am coming to see more and more that the search is for Him. Yes, to know Him more and more intimately each waiting moment.
I am also coming to know more increasingly the importance of declaring my faith in God by opening my mouth and speaking the truth out loud. These declarations shift my eyes from the ending of the story to the One who holds the ending. To the One who makes sense out of the senselessness. As I declare the truth, my eyes, heart and mind are shifted to what really matters.
So what do we do while we are waiting?
To be continued….
Next week I will share “Ten Things To Do While We Are Waiting”.