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Do You Trust Omniscient God?


“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.”

Psalm 147:5

As I meditate on the attributes of God, His Omniscience continues to undo me in many ways. He knows everything; past, present and future. Not only does He know everything, but He knows everything perfectly, instantly and effortlessly. We can’t wrap our minds around this God and certainly there are no words to describe Him.

You would think being reintroduced to a God who “knows everything about everything there is to know anything about”, I would never have any worries. And yet I do. I live limited in knowledge and understanding, so it is by faith that I grab hold of my God that knows everything about all creation and this includes me.

When I feel unseen and unnoticed and especially when I feel lost, I want to lean into Omniscient God. I want to name him El Roi as Hagar did which means: “the God who sees me”. If He sees me and knows me, and is intimately acquainted with everything that concerns me, then why do I not fully trust Him?

“Hagar gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me." Genesis 16:13

I’m reminded of the women’s conference I was speaking at many years ago entitled “Diamonds in the Dust”. I went to the prayer time on Friday evening wearing my beautiful diamond bracelet that my husband had given me. Early Saturday morning, I was ready to step out the door but when I reached to clasp my bracelet on my wrist I found it was not there. I went from counter to counter and then felt panic rising within. I dug through every suitcase, bag and drawer but with no results. I called the hotel desk to see if anyone had found it and quickly extended my search to my car. No results! Lost!

I repeated this cycle until it was time to leave for the conference. I prayed over and over attempting to give it up to God, but the search continued in my mind. I concluded it was lost and now had a new proud owner. My heart sank that I had lost the treasured gift from my love.

I told my story to those who were attending with me, but decided not to speak of it anymore because I didn’t want to distract anyone else. But the cycle continued within. Give it up. Pick it up. Give it up. Pick it up.

The conference was incredible with many hearts deeply touched by His great love. All were encouraged that we are treasured by Him. Even when we feel unseen and lost, God knows where we are and what is going on.

And then the conclusion of the conference came. I was not prepared for what was about to unfold. The conference leader stood in tears with her hand in her pocket and told the closing God story.

“Someone has lost a diamond bracelet. All day I have pulled the bracelet from my pocket asking if it belonged to anyone, but no one has claimed it. Early morning walkers found it in the church parking lot and they waited for someone to arrive believing it to be someone’s special treasure. When the walkers heard the name of the conference, “Diamonds in the Dust”, they knew they were part of a bigger picture.”

She proceeded to say, “I have to believe that God kept it hidden all day to speak a closing word to all of us.”

I was speechless and full of tears. The ten friends that were traveling with me gasped for air and yet we sat still in the holy moment.

She continued her closing remarks; “Would whomever this belongs to please come forward and may we all remember that we are treasured diamonds to God and He always knows where we are. You may feel lost, forgotten, hidden in the dust, but He sees you and He knows everything about you. You are precious to Him.”

When I stood, the leader, my dear friend, Kim, was now the one who gasped for air. Something happened in the Spirit as she placed the bracelet in my hand and spoke what I have come to know as prophetic words.

“Go gather my diamonds and tell them they are loved. I see them. I know them. They are precious to me.”

As I wrapped my fingers around the diamonds, something divine happened. I felt His hands wrapped around the many that He was sending me to. What a privilege to speak and write words to encourage others.

And so, my friend, as you read these words today you are a recipient of His words from many years ago. Omniscient God who knows all things, sees you in the middle of your life. He knows where you are and where you are going. You can trust Him and follow Him. You are not lost to Him and He truly is working all things together for good.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

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