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Where Are You?


While preparing to teach “The Great Lie” by Martha Kilpatrick, I was overwhelmed by God’s first question found in Genesis 3. I had to unravel the truth packed within the gift of this question.

“But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’” Genesis 3:9

The beauty of this question is that God knew exactly where Adam and Eve were. He did not need a “WHOO HOO” sound to find their hiding place. The piercing question comes immediately after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the one forbidden tree. God had created all kinds of trees for their pleasure and yet in the middle of that garden he placed two trees: the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. The choice stood tall in the middle of the garden because God wanted lovers, not robots. They were given freedom to choose to eat of every tree except the one poisonous tree. And of course that is the one tree that the crafty serpent used to present the great lie to them.

Why? The enemy knew that choosing the forbidden tree would cut them off from the Tree of Life, Jesus Himself.

Every strategy is ultimately to keep all mankind from Jesus.

Wrapped up in his great lie was the suggestion that God didn’t really say what He did and of course there would be no death consequence from eating the fruit. He also suggested that God was withholding from them something they desperately needed. The ultimate lie in it all is that God is not good. The same lie is presented to us daily.

Eve agreed with the enemy’s suggestions and ate of the forbidden tree. At once, that one choice garden snack changed everything for all eternity. It changed for Adam and Eve and it changed for you and me.

Sin, shame, blame and fear entered and innocence ended. Suddenly Adam and Eve were aware of their nakedness and they had no clothes to hide behind. With the taste of the fruit still on their lips, they now knew they had to be their own provision. They proceeded to stitch together a few fig leaves to hide behind. Nothing has changed, as we continue to hide behind our fig leaf clothing of fabric, make up, success, performance or good deeds.

Genesis 3 goes on to say that when they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, they were afraid and hid themselves among the trees of the garden. It wasn’t a new unfamiliar sound, for they had enjoyed days of walking and talking with Him in the garden when everything was perfect. But with one bite of rebellion and disobedience, the fellowship had changed and now fear, shame and sin kept them from God.

And yet! And yet, He came looking for them. God had not changed. His love never fails. It is because of His great love that He pursues us and asks us the same question. The question brought them to honesty and humble confession of their disobedience. And with that confession came God’s hand-made skin covering for their now sin-wrecked bodies.

Where are you?

Martha, where are you? ______________, where are you? (Fill in your name.)

“I want you. I want fellowship with you. I created you for intimacy. I’m not afraid of your sin. I have made provision for you.”

Fast forward to the New Testament where we find that He sent Jesus to seek and to save all that was lost. (Luke 19:10) Jesus became the sacrificial lamb, providing covering for you and for me. We have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. No need to hide. No need to fear. There is forgiveness. We have chosen the tree of life that gives us everything that we need.

Together let’s crush the Great Lie that God is not good.

Oh, He is good and His goodness and mercy and lovingkindness actively pursues us everyday of our lives. Don’t let fear keep you from your Father. He has already made provision for you within the Tree of Life.

Run into His arms. Be held by His love and forgiveness.

“Where are you?”

“Right here God! “Yes, God I did it!

I agreed with the enemy again.

I sinned against you again.

Forgive me God.

Cover me, Father with the blood of your son Jesus.

The words to this song may be just what you need today:


Bethel Worship

When darkness tries to roll over my bones When sorrow comes to steal the joy I own When brokenness and pain is all I know Oh, I won't be shaken, no, I won't be shaken

My fear doesn't stand a chance When I stand in Your love My fear doesn't stand a chance When I stand in Your love My fear doesn't stand a chance When I stand in Your love!

Shame no longer has a place to hide I am not a captive to the lies I'm not afraid to leave my past behind Oh, I won't be shaken, no, I won't be shaken!

'Cause my fear doesn't stand a chance

When I stand in Your love My fear doesn't stand a chance When I stand in Your love My fear doesn't stand a chance When I stand in Your love!

There's power that can break off every chain There's power that can empty out a grave There's resurrection power that can save There's power in Your name, power in Your name

My fear doesn't stand a chance When I stand in Your love My fear doesn't stand a chance When I stand in Your love My fear doesn't stand a chance When I stand in Your love!

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