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I Found Him In The Dark


Where can I go from your Spirit?

Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.

Psalm 139:7-12

It had been a wonderful day of adventure driving through the North Georgia Mountains. My husband loves days that include deciding where we are going as we go. I prefer a little more planning, but I did tell him that I wanted some adventure in my life. On days like that one, I think I got more than I expected or desired. We went from one town to another just enjoying breath taking views and spending time together. As dusk was approaching, I prodded that we really should stop and find a bed for the night. As the drive continued, my prodding turned to begging but before we knew it we were out in the middle of “NOWHERE.”

Our only hope was to totally depend on GPS, and you and I both know how that goes in deserted and remote places. Mr. or Mrs. GPS was as lost as we were. The directions led us further and further up the mountain climb. That’s right, we were going up and over a desolate mountain. It was the blackest night I ever remember. The car wasn’t acting very dependable, and I seriously feared we would stall and be rammed from behind by another vehicle. I felt frightened for our lives and longed to see just one passing car. It felt like we were driving into nothing but emptiness. Not only had fear gripped me, but I must admit I felt a tinge of anger that Ed had kept on driving. There we were on the top of a dark, twisting mountain that obviously, we would have to slowly creep down and pray that the brakes held out.

Every fiber of my being shook. There was no way out! There was no way around, as well as no turning around. There was nothing to do but keep traveling through the dark.

It actually felt like many seasons of life.

Dark. Desperate. Stuck. Helpless. Scared.


As my desperate, demanding prayer softened, peace filled my heart as I whispered my trust in God. Whispers of hope must turn into declarations of faith in the middle of the dark. With each declaration of my trust in God, my faith began to climb up above the dark until I could see the light of His face. I became very aware that we could not save ourselves on that frightening dark night, nor could we deliver ourselves when everything was going perfectly. We live totally dependent on Almighty God, and there in Him, we are always hidden and safe, no matter how black the night or scary the path we are on.

Scripture filled my thoughts and right there I found Him in the dark!

”…even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.” Ps. 139:12

I desperately wanted a way out that night, just like I have on many dark days. I’ve wanted to give up and quit. I have fought fear that sought to strangle the life out of me. I have contemplated jumping ship and seeking an easier way. But I thank my God that He always kept me, guided me and held me fast.

Ed and I made it through the dark and found a wonderful room for the night. The following morning, all looked different. When we looked at the mountains that we had traversed in the dark, we understood why the fear had been so huge, but God’s presence had led and protected us in every way.

It all reminded us of this faithful and loving God that is always near. Always present. Always guiding. Always leading us through the dark.

It’s actually in the dark that we find Him to be all that we say we believe He is.

“When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.” Corrie Ten Boom

If today finds you in a dark tunnel, I hope you can hear the echo of a fellow believer speaking encouragement and truth in your direction.

You are not alone.

He is with you.

He will not forsake you.

He is right there with you.

His hand will guide you and His right hand will hold you fast.

Embrace the place that He has you and know that He will strengthen you and enable you to pass to the other side.

This darkness is not dark to Him. He sees perfectly with 20/20 vision.

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