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Sent For The One


“Now He had to go through Samaria.” John 4:4

The text says that Jesus had to go through Samaria. He “had” to go that way, not because it was the only way, the easy way or the best way, but because God sent Him that way for one nameless woman. It’s interesting how often the “one” gets lost in the story of life. We often put more significance on reaching the masses instead of the one. And yet there are many “ones” that we see throughout scripture and certainly in our daily lives.

In a sea of laughing and screaming children, my eyes had been glued to my own three grandchildren jumping and climbing in the Flying Circus Trampoline Park. It was winter break and the place was packed. We had instructed our kids if they got separated from us to look for one of the workers dressed in black and white and they would help them find us.

As we were leaving, this one little boy stopped me in my tracks. There he stood frozen in fear crying profusely. My heart leapt towards him. I quickly moved in very close and told him I would not leave him and I would help him.

“Did you lose your mom?”

“No, my sister.”

“Ok, I will stand with you until we find her. It is ok. We will find her.”

His crying stopped and he began to carefully scan the surroundings. As soon as he spotted her, he gasped and ran to her side. I watched them as they reunited and immediately resumed their play.

Simple. No big deal. We left the park.

But something happened within me that I couldn’t shake. I took the feeling home with me but never spoke of it. Later that evening when alone, I had a feeling that something wonderful had taken place. All I could identify was that I paused to meet a simple need and it felt like the highlight of my day. As a matter of fact, it felt holy.

God put me right in his lost path and I brought comfort and security. It seemed like no big deal, but it was. I became keenly aware that I was a simple tool in God’s hand and I loved the feeling. His presence came close in those few moments and flowed through me. The little boy had been the recipient of the love and power of God that had simply passed through me. He rescued the scared little boy, but He awakened this woman to the holy moment of encountering the “one” that God placed in my path; the “one” for me to touch with His love, in a simple and quiet way.

We never know when our ordinary will bump into God’s supernatural and become a holy moment.

Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” John 4:6-8

The thoughts and feelings resurfaced a few days later while making my way through the buzzing airport. I was rushing past a myriad of people, who all had the same goal: arrive at their destination on time. But in the middle of the hurry, I suddenly became aware of the sea of people I was brushing shoulders with. I attempted to catch a glimpse of faces to celebrate God’s creation. Each fearfully and wonderfully made for His pleasure. As I scurried to my gate, I prayed, “God you made all of these people and every one of them are important to You. They are rushing about seemingly oblivious of You, and yet You know the numbers of hairs on their head. Each one matters greatly to You.”

The sea appeared so large and I felt so insignificant. How could I ever make a difference? And in the middle of it all, I heard His voice.

“Remember the one little boy! I didn’t call you to the sea of people, I called you to the “one” that I put in front of you.”

And…it was another holy moment.

As I walked through the airport, I carried the fragrance of Christ and spread Him all around. I smiled and worshiped as I delighted in the Creator. I watched for the “one” that might cross my path. But in this moment, it was my Heavenly Father. Just He and I, communing in the midst of thousands of people, noise and clamor. I was seen, known and held. And in that moment, I was His one and He was my one.

Lord, thank you for the privilege of carrying You into this noisy, hurting world. Awaken us to the one! And may we never miss You, The One!

“Lord, let our eyes be opened.” Matthew 20:33

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