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What Are You Eating?

Whoever comes to me will never go hungry,

and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

John 6:35

I quickly realized with my new weight loss journey that if I didn’t have a plan, I would certainly fail. Hunger wins out every time if I don’t have the right food choices available. I will eat just about anything that is in sight when the hunger battle begins. Waiting until I am beyond hungry, leaves me in a heap of trouble. I had to get the chips, crackers and candy out of my car so that on those long trips out, I wouldn’t just eat the nearest junk. Yes, it tasted good for the moment and the sugar gave me a boost, but in no time I felt sluggish and sleepy. Sometimes my stomach would ache. And of course, once again I was so mad at myself for eating junk.

With encouragement from my weight loss coach, I decided to pull the pretty lunch bag from the closet and fill it with some good healthy choices. At the first sign of hunger, a good choice sat right there beside me waiting to give my body the surge that I need. It not only feeds and fuels me, but it makes me happy to make the right choice. The hunger is gone, my emotions are in check and I am energized to finish my assignments of the day.

Years ago a friend of mine, Orna Greenman from Israel, taught it with such passion. She spoke about the power of the word of God. She spoke of Jesus being the Bread of Life. We are to eat of Him daily being fed and nourished by Him. She told us to go to God’s word as a living nourishing meal to be consumed and digested. I can still hear her voice saying, “Every morning pack yourself a little sandwich to take with you all day long.”

Soon after that teaching, we tucked blank index cards inside of sandwich bags and encouraged the women to make themselves a little sandwich to feast upon all day long. This morning an old tattered index card fell from a different Bible. I smiled at the age and use of it. There on this bent, crinkled, splattered and marked up card was a delicious sandwich that I had tucked in my pocket on many occasions.

When I came across it in my daily reading, I knew that I needed to believe it. I read it, studied it, chewed on it, and digested it. Soon it became part of me, causing me to believe God more and more. My mind was renewed and my spirit soared. It was so much better than the rise in emotions that the “junk food lies” always induce.

So today I re-folded it and hid it deep in my pocket. Throughout the day, I took it out and read it, sometimes silently and at other times very loudly. I pondered the power of this verse in my life. I felt my soul soaring to believe. It pushed the voice of the enemy far away and the negative sounds coming my way.

I know you are dying to know the verse. So, here you go! I will share my sandwich with you. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Take a bite and chew long. It is living and active. It will feed you. It will fuel you. It will nourish you and it will transform you. Your taste for the junk will soon vanish.

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.“

2 Corinthians 9:8

Taste the flavor of The Passion Translation:

“Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything [a]—every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do.”

God is ABLE.


In ALL things...

At ALL times...

Having ALL you need...


Is that good or what?

What are you eating? The powerful truth of God’s word or the lies of the enemy? Are you fueling your fear with the cares of this world? Are you eating the junk that media is throwing your way?

Pack a lunch of truth and feast upon it all day.

Please share your sandwich (scripture) in the comments.

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