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A New View


“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2

I was attempting to host a leadership meeting at my kitchen table, but my dog, Kobee was interfering greatly. He was sitting at the front door peering out the side window growling and barking.

Who knows if it was something serious going on or just a falling leaf? He would briefly settle and then the barking would commence. Finally, I interrupted the meeting to attend the annoying barking dog.

After peeking out the door and seeing nothing, I looked at Kobee and said, “Stop staring at what is bothering you. Just move away from the window and get a new view.” It was profound wisdom that I shared with my dog and I immediately knew that my words held great truth and yes, would eventually become a blog. He followed me back into the den where his puffy bed awaited him right next to the table where happy conversation was taking place. The new view in the midst of positive words and laughter must have been a lullaby to him because within seconds he was relaxed and sleeping.

Does anyone need a new view?

I guess that is a silly question since most of us have been stuck within the same four walls, with the same voices for way too many months. We have stared at the alarming scene in front of us for too many days, hours and months, and truthfully we would all love a new storyline for 2020.

When you stare at the same thing day after day, it begins to affect you and those around you.

We become shaped by what we stare at.

What I listen to, read and watch greatly affects me. When I stare at the negative, the problem, the news, the world around me, it can shake me with fear, panic, irritation and even anger. Before I know it I am staring at the wrong things just barking at the world in front of me.The only thing that Kobee’s bark changed was the peace at the meeting table. We usually aren’t even aware of how our bark is affecting others right around us. Like the women around my table, some were able to ignore the bark, while others were distracted and even startled with each piercing sound.

So news alert…what’s going on inside of you is also affecting others. Are you spilling out love, joy and encouragement or frustration, and irritation because of what you are staring at?

Some of us need to get up and get a new view.

It takes a deliberate walking away from one focus to turn to another. How about we stare at Jesus? How about we get a view of God’s plan on top of all this world news? What if we shift our focus from our tough situation and go help someone?

Today, I was blessed to spend time with a friend who knows the power of this. She has learned to run from the window she was staring out of and put her focus on serving others. She shared with me how she recognized she was spiraling down into a dark pit of self-focus that was far too familiar. She quickly ran from that window and filled her heart and mind with the truth of God’s word. She filled the atmosphere of her surroundings with songs of worship and she turned her heart to prayer asking God who she could help.

From this new view came a monthly gathering of food and needed items for the women at The Potter’s House. As she began to share the opportunity, many others shifted their focus and became involved in giving and serving others who needed to know they are not forgotten just because of an addiction that gripped their lives. The world is full of need. Why not shift your view and go be the language of love.

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs11:25

Do you need to know a place to begin?

(Check out the Potters House for Women website and join in with an amazing ministry setting women free from lifelong addictions.)

Click here.

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