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Follow The Leader


Posted by Martha Wilson, July 10, 2024

“Your path led through the sea; your way through the mighty waters 

though your footprints were not seen.” PS. 77:19

Serving in children’s extended sessions at my church brings many unexpected blessings. It is tiring, fun, and inspiring to watch children play. It only took a few minutes to observe who the little leaders were in the group. The self-appointed leader determined which corner they were playing, whether the kitchen or the building blocks. The prominent leader stood up and announced, “We are going to play ‘follow the leader,’ and I am the leader. Line up behind me.” To my surprise, a few actually followed his instructions. 

He made his way around the room, turning to the right and left and touching tables here and there. He dropped to his pudgy knees and crawled underneath the table, pushing chairs out of his way. The children happily followed his path with much joy and laughter.  I noticed that as his motions became more complicated and the adventure became lengthy, the children lost interest and began to fall out of line. Quickly, another little person took the lead, and the frustrated children approvingly followed toward building towers that reached for the sky.

I got a glimpse of myself in all of these little children. Following God can be exciting as long as I see where He leads. I am often tempted to fall out of line when the tasks become more complex. I can grow weary with all the twists and turns, especially when I seem to be going nowhere. My attention can quickly become distracted by a more appealing and comfortable route. 

Following God involves walking blindly.

The path He leads us down can sometimes seem like a waste of time and, yes, often like a crazy obstacle course. But, the more we follow and experience His faithfulness, the easier it is to follow. He invites us to follow His voice, only sometimes His footprints. We are people who like to see first, then follow. But faith follows without seeing. “We walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

We quickly identify with the Israelites following Moses through the wilderness on their pathway of freedom into the Promised Land. But, as Moses followed the voice of God, his leadership led them directly into the Red Sea, with the enemy closing in close behind them. And yes, they griped and complained all the way. 

Does this sound familiar?

It certainly didn’t look like Mighty God's leadership, yet it was. He called them to step right into that sea, and a miracle would follow their trust and obedience. 

What looked like death led to life. 

The Israelites had to abandon logic and understanding and follow God’s voice. Faith and Obedience had to lead the way. 

When the pathway is dark…

When His directions seem ridiculous… 

When it feels like we are stepping into a death trap… 

We experience God’s mighty power to deliver us in these most unlikely places. 

“Your path led through the sea; your way through the mighty waters 

though your footprints were not seen.” PS. 77:19

“Your footprints were not seen.” Life trains us to trust our leader and follow his every command. In the days to come, we will need more faith to follow our leader wherever He leads. He has proven faithful and worthy of trust. 

Practice hearing. Practice obeying. Practice trusting. 

“Lord, your ways are always good. You are a perfect leader that can be trusted even when we cannot trace your footprints Give us the courage to trust you and follow you wherever you may lead.”

Martha Wilson is a writer, speaker, blogger and co-host of A Burst of Hope weekly podcast. She is the founder and director of Touching Hearts Ministries for women. She has led women to pursue an intimate relationship with Jesus for most of her adult life. She is bold, tender, and transparent as she teaches women to embrace powerful Biblical truths. Martha and her husband, Ed, live in Fayetteville, Georgia, and enjoy their blended family of five children, eight grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter. You can connect with Martha at: Facebook and Instagram @TouchingHeartsMinistries or listen to the A Burst of Hope Podcast.

1 Comment

Jul 13, 2024

Thank you, Martha, for sharing.

I miss all of you at Touching Hearts.

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