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Hearing Aids

“When he has brought out all His own, He goes on ahead of them, and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” John 10:4-5

I am rejoicing today, because my husband got a new pair of hearing aids. The old pair has not worked well for some time. They had some age on them and had even survived a couple of dives into the pool. I admit that when the constant buzz in his right ear was bothering me more than it was him, I was the one that insisted it was way past time for a new set.

I know that only those who have difficulty hearing can really understand the frustration involved. But I also know that there is a great frustration in living with someone who cannot clearly hear. In my husband's case, he can hear that something is being said, but cannot distinguish many of the sounds. I was speaking louder and louder and repeating myself over and over. On some days, I gave up and just remained silent.

The new hearing aids are bluetooth and remotely controlled through the phone. They have an entirely new set of frustrations, but the hearing is much better. I must add that the marriage is better also. Right now, there is a learning curve in operating through the app on the phone. They not only amplify the voice that is speaking, but also sharpen the sounds that are difficult for him to hear. In a restaurant he is able to silence the surrounding noise so that He can focus on the voices at the table. In church, he can lower the music so that He can hear the words. What a blessing WE are enjoying!

Over the past few weeks as we have been experimenting with the new device, I have secretly desired to have my own set. It would be wonderful to mute the voices I don’t want to hear. If only, I could shut out all the surrounding noises and just focus on the voice I long to hear. Lower the background noise and increase the voices that are only speaking truth. Worship would be sweeter if I could lower the noise, and focus on the One being worshipped. What a delight it would be to shut out the annoying distractions.

Perhaps we all need a set of hearing aids. The compromising voice yells for us every day. The negative reports come buzzing in our ear and the offense spills over onto other people around us. The voice of others and even our own voice can sway and mislead us down the wrong path. We need keen hearing so that we only follow our Shepherd’s voice.

The Holy Spirit longs to speak directly into our spirit no matter what is going on around us. If only we would silence the voice of the enemy shouting all of his lies. What peace we could know if we would mute all the negative voices and amplify the Lord’s voice! To sharpen and clarify His voice, is the desire of my heart. I am in a season of learning to hear God’s voice in a greater way. I believe in the days to come we must all have keener hearing. I cling to this verse from the Old Testament.

And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21

The noise of the world is ever increasing, but His voice can be heard and distinguished above all other sounds as we train our ears to know His powerful voice.

Lean in a little closer and ask for ears that hear Him above all others.

Listen in the quiet.

Practice shutting out the distractions.

Ask Him for ears that hear.

Tune your ears to hear in the middle of chaos.

He longs to be heard, but only those who have ears to hear will really hear.

Lord, we want to hear You.

Open our ears to hear only you.

Only when we hear You, can we really hear others.


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