Just One Word

Posted by Martha Wilson, August 28, 2024
Simple words embellish the walls of our homes and offices. We no longer only decorate with beautifully painted pictures but with simple words. Words that cause you to pause and think. Words that shift your perspective. Words that make a declaration about your life.
Just one word is powerful enough to change your life. Let’s not forget that God’s spoken word set this entire universe in motion. (Genesis 1)
I have meaningful signs in almost every room of my house. Perched above the cabinet in the sunroom is the word “RELAX.” High above the cathedral bathroom shelf is the word “BELIEVE.” The kitchen wall reminds me to: “ENJOY THIS DAY; BE PRESENT; BREATHE DEEPLY; SHOW GRATITUDE.” The sign in my office daily declares: “Holy Spirit, you are welcome here. Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.”
Of all the words in the Old Testament story, just one word gripped me. This prominent word hung above this storyline, and everything changed.
The king and his men marched to Jerusalem to attack the Jebusites, who lived there. The Jebusites said to David, "You will not get in here; even the blind and the lame can ward you off." They thought, “David cannot get in here. Nevertheless, David captured the fortress of Zion, the City of David." 2 Sam. 5:6-7
It brings a twist to the story. It didn’t matter what the enemy thought or spoke; David believed God and did it anyway. A few verses later, we understand the how.
David became more and more powerful, because the Lord God Almighty was with Him. 2 Sam. 5:10
God had called, appointed, anointed, and positioned David.
His hand was upon David’s life, and he had success in everything he did. He didn’t let the words and thoughts of anyone control him. The words of others didn’t deter, discourage, or cause him to waver. Nevertheless, he believed what God said.
Just one word has the power to bring a twist or turn in your story.
Why do we allow the taunting words of the enemy to stop us? Why do we give in to fear and bow to his voice? Why don’t we believe just one word that God speaks? Why not delete the words of the enemy or the voice in your head?
“That can never be done.”
“It’s too late.”
“You’re too old.”
“Things will never change.”
“If it hasn’t worked by now, you might as well give up.”
Why not nail an overarching sign over our lives?
The enemy lied;
NEVERTHELESS, she did it anyway because the Lord God Almighty was with her.

Martha Wilson is a writer, speaker, blogger and co-host of A Burst of Hope weekly podcast. She is the founder and director of Touching Hearts Ministries for women. She has led women to pursue an intimate relationship with Jesus for most of her adult life. She is bold, tender, and transparent as she teaches women to embrace powerful Biblical truths. Martha and her husband, Ed, live in Fayetteville, Georgia, and enjoy their blended family of five children, eight grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter. You can connect with Martha at: Facebook and Instagram @TouchingHeartsMinistries or listen to the A Burst of Hope Podcast.
Amen! Thank you for this reminder that God always has the FINAL word.