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No Greater Gift


Someone asked me why I didn’t give a name to Andy’s illness in my last blog. He said, “Do you not want people to know?” I had to stop and think a minute. I had to try to put to words what my heart knows to be true. It’s not that I don’t want people to know, because those who are closest to us do know, but I am a very visual person. When I read something, I can see it. So, knowing that, when you read my words here on this blog, I want you to see Andy for who he is and not the three letters that he has been diagnosed with.

Andy’s diagnose is a violent one and there is no cure. There is no hope in those three letters, so that’s not what I want his story to say. God has already written Andy’s story. He’s just the pen that will live it each day as we look to Him. God tells us that He knows the plans that He has for us and they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give us a future and a hope. And that hope and future is in Christ alone...not a diagnosis.

But with that being said, my heart breaks in what I see happening to him. The reality of it is this: his hospital bed came on Friday. My children were here helping to prepare his room: mounting TVs, buying a rug to cover stains, setting up a side table and lamp and best of all, a chair by the window to see our beautiful yard. We cried and laughed that day as only the Dixons can do. We could probably offend most folks with our humor, but one thing's for sure: joy comes in all kinds of ways.

So when you think of Andy, and pray for him, let’s also praise God for all His good things that He has given us. Let’s not look at those things that try to distract us from Him: like suffering. Let's praise Him in the midst of suffering for He has given us His forgiveness, His healing, His redemption, His crown of love and mercy, and He has filled our lives with His love for each other in a way that no words can describe. He has given us His salvation. There is no greater gift.

6 comentários

06 de mar. de 2019

I don't know what to say. You amaze me with your words. I often wanted to write J's story, but I can't. I can't find the words. You are strong and God is walking with you. He never leaves us ,He walks with us in our storms. Love to all of you!


05 de mar. de 2019

Robin your strength is truly amazing. 😪


Peggy Phelps
05 de mar. de 2019

Peggy Dobbs


Peggy Phelps
05 de mar. de 2019

Andy Dixon, a man of honor and true to his word. He is a giver and a helper and a man who loves Jesus and adores his wife.

Robin Dixon, in Christ alone she stands and it is from His well that she drinks. A woman who has become one with her husband. Her love for Andy has always been so evident in her life.

Robin is my friend and I love her.

When I saw this picture of the two of them together sitting in the swing, I thought to myself there is one more ✨


05 de mar. de 2019

Your words are eloquent ~ stirring emotion ‘tho I barely know you. I sensed and saw Jesus in you when we first met at Touching Hearts one summer morning. Please continue telling your story ~ blessing many and reflecting His goodness and glory. YOU inspire, encourage, challenge and exalt with your words. I'm praying for Andy and all who love him.

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