I Love To Tell The Story
Would you join us as we walk this journey?

I woke the other morning with an old church hymn on my mind. The name of the song is “I Love to Tell the Story”. So, I went straight to Apple music and found the most contemporary version and hit repeat. I know I listened to that song twenty times. As I got in my car that morning to leave for work, Bluetooth took over my car. It started playing a song that I didn’t even realize was on my phone. I looked at the words displayed on my dash and it read “Write Your Story”. I knew God was telling me “It’s time to tell and write Andy’s story”. So here I am, telling the story. If you know me at all, you know that I love to tell mine and Andy’s story. If you have heard it, you know why.
One of my favorite things about Andy is he loves to have me by his side. No matter where he is or what he is doing, he wants me there. He would get a rug, a blanket, a chair and make me an area so that he could see me and I could see him and watch him work. I would sit there and read, write, but mostly—just watch him. But that’s not the story I’m going to tell you today. It’s a new story, a story not written yet but being lived out in every moment and second of our day.
About three years ago Andy started having some health issues and it has been a roller coaster of events. Today his health continues to decline. I don’t want to put words to what he has because it seems so final. We will just say that he’s sick. I have taken a leave of absence from work to be home with him now—exactly where he wants me to be: by his side.
I received a phone call from a precious friend a few days ago. She had been praying and asking God for a word for Andy. It was Psalm 103:1-5. She prayed it over him and just wept. What a powerful gift from God. Its says:
“Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his Holy Name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me. He forgives all my sin; and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death, and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”
I took God at His word that day and hid it in my heart, and it has been an anchor to my soul. At night when my mind wants to go places that my heart can’t contain, I speak these words over us and find peace.
That next day Andy and I were talking about his word. I asked Andy did he believe it to be so? Do you believe that your sins have been forgiven, that God has healed your diseases, that you have been redeemed from death and been given a crown of love and tender mercies, that God has filled your life with good things and your life will be renewed like the eagle’s? Do you believe this to be true and he said wholeheartedly “YES!”. At that moment, I saw the Lord throw out a blanket and say, “Have a seat and watch me work.”
I want to invite you on this journey with us through prayer and have a seat on our blanket. Let’s join together and watch God do what only He can do. He, too, loves for us to watch Him work.
My love for you my sweet friend has forever run deep. The love of family and your faith are just two of the things that I have ALWAYS admired about you. My prayers for you, your sweet Andy and your family are constant and I know that you are confident in Gods plan for your journey. Love ❤️ and Hugs 🤗
I know it has been a long time but you and Andy have often been on my mind and in my prayers. You and your strong faith has always been an inspiration to me. Tom called me today to let me know about Andy. I am sorry that you are having to go through this but I know God has a plan. I will pray fervently for both of you and I believe that you telling your story will impact many hearts. I miss you both and love you.
Praying for Andy, you and family, Robin. 💗
Thank you for sharing. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, how I love you, Rob! You are precious and I’m so glad you are sharing this journey and story! Hugs!