Who? Me? Yes, You! - Week 4
“Embracing Your Identity in Christ”
I Am Loved Unconditionally
For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, or height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
Can you believe that there is nothing you have ever done that can keep you from His love? I really think you should go back and read that again! It is impossible for you to go too high, too deep, or too far for His love to reach you. You don’t have to become something better for Him to love you. As a matter of fact, you can’t do anything to cause Him to love you more. There is no performance necessary to gain more love. When He gave His Son, Jesus to die for you, He gave you all of His love. There is no more to be given, but much to be received. A friend once told me that God has an ocean of love just for me. As a beach lover, I sit and stare at the ocean for hours upon hours and mediate on this one truth.
This love is not only bountiful but unconditional. There are no ladders to climb or hoops to jump through. I remember as a young Christian believing that God had a chart and when I was good I received gold stars, but when I was bad, He would remove a star. I was forever trying to perform and earn His approval and love. To this day, I can easily fall into the performance trap as if I am able to do it all perfectly to earn His love.
Can I tell you that you are already fully accepted and loved? He has no self-improvement programs. He doesn’t love you only when you are lovely and compliant, but He loves even when you are stubborn and rebellious. He loves your funny turned up nose and your finger- toes. You don’t have to look like a magazine cover. Nor do you have to loose or gain weight to obtain His love. He doesn’t require Botox injections and you don’t have to act right, be good, say the right things, nor measure up. He just loves you because you are His child.
Jesus already made the mark. He got the high score. He did all that was required and in so doing acquired a great, great love for YOU! God sent Jesus in your place to be everything you could never be. It is really true that when God looks at you, He sees His son. He loves His son inside of you.
Receive His unconditional love for you today. Put down the magazine cover, stop hoarding gold stars. Throw out the performance chart and let out a big yell,
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God. And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1