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A Mother’s Day Gift of Hope for Worried Mothers and Grandmothers


Posted by Karen Kinnaird, May 9, 2023

As I spend time at the table at Touching Hearts, it is not uncommon to hear a worried woman share her burden for a child in her family who has lost their way. At the ministry I work for, it is also not uncommon for a mother, grandmother, or even great-grandmother to call asking for help. The situations vary, but the pain in their voices is unmistakably the same. I know because I have been one of those mothers.

Uncertainty and fear can consume the heart of a mother whose child has lost their way. Amidst others’ joy and celebration, especially around Mother’s Day and graduation season, this pain intensifies as we long to see our child restored to God, their family, and the healthy, godly life God intends for them.

In the book Prodigals and Those Who Love Them, Ruth Bell Graham writes from her own pain as two of her five children experienced what she refers to as “spiritual wandering.” In this book, she wisely distinguishes between the possible and the impossible; the things mothers can do and the things only God can do. How often does a frantic, frenzied mother cross a boundary out of fear and desperation and try to manipulate and force the impossible, only to make things worse for her and her child? There is great comfort and freedom for the mother who can distinguish between the two.


1. Convict of sin

2. Create a hunger for righteousness

3. Convert

“He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.” (John 16:8)

“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent me draws him.” (John 6:44)


  1. We can tell our children we love them. We can affirm them and reinforce good decisions.

  2. We can minister to physical and emotional needs however appropriate and as we are able.

  3. We can pray urgently and consistently in faith, trusting God with the outcome, no matter what it is.

Ruth Bell Graham stated it well, “As a mother, I must faithfully, patiently, lovingly, and happily do my part–then quietly wait for God to do His.”

As in the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15, the shepherd leaves the ninety-nine and goes after the one lost sheep until he finds it. Our God, who intentionally and tenderly searches for the lost one, possesses an extraordinary love. We must remember that He is working even when we don’t see it or feel it. We must be patient to give Him the time He needs to accomplish what He desires—in His unique way and His perfect timing.

Mom, Satan may whisper that you’re alone and you are the only one trying to find her way through this dark valley. He may whisper that you’ve blown it; that you’re a bad mother; that you should have done things differently; that everything you did right to raise your child was in vain. Perhaps he’s telling you it’s too late, or there’s no hope. In the midst of your tears, don’t believe the lies. As long as there is breath, there is hope.

This Mother’s Day, give yourself the gift of resting in the hope and knowledge that God, the very source of life, is present with your child. Untie the bow, rip off the wrapping paper, throw off the lid, and accept the gift! Give yourself the gift of releasing your child to Jesus, getting out of the way, and letting God accomplish the impossible.

“God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” -Reinhold Neibuhr

Check out this song by Laura Story

Karen Kinnaird currently serves as the Executive Assistant for Forgiving Forward Ministries. She has been a minister’s wife for nearly 38 years and has served on local church staff and state denominational positions. An award winning blogger, Karen has a passion for encouraging women searching for hope. Karen and her husband Jimmy moved to the Atlanta area in 2021 from Oklahoma City where he now serves as the Association Missionary Strategist for Fairburn Baptist Association. Karen and Jimmy, also known as Gigi and Poppy, have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.

1 comentario

16 may 2023

Thank you, Karen! Sometimes the pain of that one child missing from our lives takes away the joy of being present with the children who are in our lives! It is a daily struggle that only God has control of. There is hope and faith. Melisa, Stillwater OK

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